Sports Club

Sport activities play an integral part in Holy Cross College .We are blessed with abundant facilities with which we can organize a number of sports activities as well as numerous tournaments and athletic competitions. To regulate and manage these activities, we have sports club for both the campuses (Jubatara campus and Durjoynagar campus)

The main purposes of forming the sports club are:

  • To organize physical activities of recreational or competitive nature. The members of sports club can voluntarily organize all these.
  • To develop leadership qualities among student-members who are involved with club fundraising, creating public relation, organizing, administering and scheduling.

The sports club consists of two members. The club members are actively associated in all the segments of the programme, especially to organize TEJAS (annual day). In this year college came out with a brilliant idea and organized the Holy Cross College Agartala Marathon 2016. In that very competition, sports club members involved themselves actively and that is one of the main reasons of tremendous success of the event. On 20th August 2016, there was a mass demonstration programme in the department of teacher education, at Durjoynagar and that programme was also totally managed by club members.

Club Activities :
Will update soon!